Perjalanan menuju ke Hiroshima, city of appeal for World Peace. Saya menuju ke sana dengan kereta shinkansen, Nozomi Superexpress no.7 for Hata. Berangkat dari Tokyo pukul 09.13, dan sampai di Hiroshima pukul 10.55. Shinkansen mulai beroperasi sejak 1964, waktu Tokyo Olympic. Kecepatan maksimum kereta cepat ini yakni 380 km/jam. Harus tepat waktu, pintu masuk kereta hanya terbuka dalam waktu 1 menit.benar-benar 1 menit, itu untuk penumpang keluar dan masuk. So, be punctual and fast!. Di Hiroshima saya berkelilimg Hiroshima-jo, Peace Memorial Park, Genbaku-domu, Cenopath for the A-Bomb Victims, dan juga the children’s peace monument.
1. Hiroshima-jo
Hiroshima castle is sometimes called the Carp Castle, which was the home of the feudal lord of Hiroshima fiefdom. Originally constructed in the 1950s,the castle was destroyed in the atomic bombing in 1945 at 08.15 am. This replica of the original was rebuilt in 1958,and now serves as a museum of Hiroshima’s history prior to World War II. There wasn’t lavatory in the castle. Just for your guide :
- 1-3 Floor : permanent Exhibition,Museum shop, Experience corner.
- 4 Floor : special Exhibition ”Hiroshima and Miyajima in Edo period”
- 5 Floor : Observation room
2. Peace Memoria Park
Hiroshima peace memorial park is a large park in the center of Hiroshima,Japan,dedicated to the legacy of Hiroshima as the first city in the world to suffer a nuclear attack. There are a variety of monuments and buildings in the park, each dedicated to a different aspect of the bombing.
3. Genbaku-domu (A-Bomb Dome)
At 8.15 a.m, 6 August 1945 (during World War II),A nuclear bomb, called ”Little Boy” was dropped almost directly above the building (the hypocenter was 150 meters). The dome was the closest structure to withstand the explosion. The building has been preserved in the same condition as it was immediately after the event, and serves as a reminder of the nuclear tragedy, and as a symbol of the hope for world peace and the elimination of all nuclear weapons. About 140 thousand people passed away as a result of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Not only on Hiroshima, but also on Nagasaki the bomb was dropped. The anniversary of end of the war was on 15th of August.
4. Cenopath for the A-Bomb Victims / Memorial Monument for Hiroshima
Near the center of the park is a concrete,saddle-shaped monument that covers a Cenopath holding the names of all of people killed by the bomb. The Cenopath carries the epitaph : ”Never Again”. When people stand before this cenotaph, regardless of their nationality,they commit themselves as human beings,never repeat a nuclear bombing.
5. The Children’s peace Monument
The Children’s peace Monument is a statue dedicated to the memory of the children who fied as a result of the bombing. The statue is based on the true story of Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who died from radiation from the bomb. She believed that if she folded 1000 paper cranes,she would be cured. But, she was passed away on 26 October 1955 because of the leukimia, the radiation effect of the bombing. About 10 million, Origami cranes are dedicated at the Children’s Peace Monument every year.
6. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
In there, you could find a lot of miniatures of World War II. The replica of the ”Little Boy”,the atomic bom which dropped on Hiroshima. We can also saw some movie about that accidents.
Di museum ini, kita juga bisa melihat patung buatan tentang para korban bom atom,kesengsaraan mereka, kulit mereka mengelupas. Juga ada barang peninggalan para korban, mulai anak-anak hingga dewasa, mulai tempat makan para siswa Hiroshima, sepeda roda tiga, hingga tembok yang ditancapi pecahan kaca gedung yang hancur karena serangan bom.
Di Hiroshima, kita merefleksikan diri. Belajar akan pentingnya perdamaian dunia. Bukan hanya untuk generasi kita saja, namun untuk generasi mendatang. Peace,it’s so important in our life. Tak ada ketakutan, kekhawatiran,kesedihan, mapupun peperangan. Yang ada hanya kedamaian, ketenangan jiwa,fisik,dan mental, yang ada hanya cinta dan kasih sayang di antara sesama. Hal ini dapat kita raih, Kedamaian dapat kita peroleh melalui saling bertoleransi antar umat di seluruh dunia ini, walaupun berbeda kebudayaan, kepercayaan, kenegaraan,namun kita harus tetap satu, menjaga perdamaian dunia.
Sebelum kembali ke hotel, ada wisata kuliner khas Hiroshima yang harus dicoba,namanya Okonomiyaki. Banyak sayurnya,tapi enak. Bentuknya seperti martabak. Tapi untuk yang muslim, jangan lupa bilang tidak pakai daging ya, karena daging yang dipakai adalah daging babi.okJ
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